Remove a friend from a Facebook Chat Friends list (Delete someone from chat group)
Once you have created a friends list for Facebook Chat, you can add and remove friends from it at any point; keep in mind that if you remove someone from a Facebook Chat friends list, this person will no longer be affected by anything you apply on all the list members (such as appearing online or offline to a particular list). Let's get started and explain how to delete a friend from a friends list in Facebook Chat. (This action can easily be "undone" at a later time, if you change your mind, simply by adding a friend back into a friends list.)
Remove someone from a friends list on Facebook Chat
See how easily you can delete a friend from an existing friends list:
- First, click on the "Chat" button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Then, move your cursor above the friends list from which you want to delete someone, and click on the "edit" link when it appears: (if you don't see it, learn how to show hidden friends list).
- As soon as you do, Facebook will open the friends list settings in a new popup window. To remove a friend from the list, simply click on that person to "uncheck" them from the group (this does not delete your friend, it only removes a reference to him / her inside the selected friends list).
- Once you have removed all the friends you wanted out of the list, click on the "Save List" button at the bottom of the popup: Facebook will close it, and apply the new setting immediately. To double-check that the user in question was indeed removed from your friends list, click on the "Chat" button, and you should see that any reference to that friend has now been deleted.
That is how you remove and delete someone from a friends list in Facebook Chat - you can always "undelete" that reference and add the friend back into the friends list in as many clicks.