Hide education or work information from your Facebook profile
Generally, you add education information (university, college, degree) and work information (past and current employers) so that they can be seen on your public Facebook profile. But Facebook also gives you absolute control over who exactly can see that portion of your profile, which can be useful if you are trying to find a job through Facebook, and may not necessarily want your boss to see some of your resume information suddenly appear on your profile (you can block your boss specifically from seeing this information!)
Control who can see your degrees and work experience on Facebook
Follow these steps to customize which Facebook users have access to this information:
- Click on the "Account" dropdown menu in your Facebook profile, and choose "Privacy Settings".
- From the "Choose Your Privacy Settings" screen that opens, click on the "View settings" link:

- The next screen contains a list of aspects of your Facebook profile that you can show or hide from groups of Facebook users, or specific people. Click on the dropdown menu shown under "See my education and work", and Facebook gives you 4 choices, with "Everyone" selected by default:

- You can choose "Friends of Friends" or "Friends Only", so that only your friends and their friends, or only your friends, respectively, can view your schools and employers, but you will most probably want to use the fourth option, "Customize". If you pick it from the dropdown menu, Facebook will open a "Custom Privacy" dialog that lets you specifically include or exclude certain Facebook users from seeing work and education information on your Facebook profile:

- To hide your employer and school information from everyone, simply choose "Only Me".
- To show this information only to certain Facebook users, choose "Specific People" from the dropdown menu as shown above, and type the names of the people (Facebook users) who should be allowed to see this information.
- Likewise, you can specifically prevent people (like your current boss) from seeing job and education data on your profile. Just type under "Hide this from" all the names of the users who should not be able to view this information.
- Click on "Save Settings" when you have finished allowing or blocking users for work and education.
- You are done: Facebook saves and applies the change in setting right away. You can now click on the "Back to Privacy" button, or "Preview My Profile", or close this window.
That's all it takes to control who can view your education and professional information on your Facebook profile; make sure to do this first before you list your current job and company as "past employer" while job hunting! (You don't want your boss or coworkers to come across this.)